Texas Rag and Doodle Ranch

Our Highland Cattle

We love our animals and do our best to provide a safe haven for all of them. We started with a little ranch in Southlake TX, with a couple of horses. Then were moved our animal family to Justin to have more space, only to find out that the city of Justin was not really animal friendly, so we brought the entire furry family to the Houston Texas. We no longer do visits to the farm.

The New World Order is coming for small farms. Justin is one of those cities.


We are not able to do visits at this time. Thank you for understanding.

The kitties are super delicate, so we don’t do visits anymore. Corona is the cat flu….

Newborn kittens are vulnerable to a variety of illnesses but apart from that the mother does not like having people in the room with her when her babies are small. Every interruption is time she will spend on guard and away from her babies instead of nursing. We hope you understand – we are doing this for the safety of our mothers and babies. They are very nervous and do not like other cats around either when they are nursing either. We have had visitors allow mother cats out of the room and into other rooms, causing fights just by simply leaving the door ajar a moment. These things are just normal for us in the business, but a visiting family has no idea and it can cause problems. 

Corona virus is an animal illness that 80% of cats carry according to our Certified Feline Vet in 2019. Although most do not get sick from it, it mutates in some cats with health issues, causing serious illness and eventually fatality. Bacteria is what causes the cells to mutate.  Before anyone is allowed over for a visit, we need to know if you have a specific reason/need for wearing a mask; if you or your family members have been in contact with anyone ill in the last month; or if you are a health care professional. We realize that HIPPA and ADA rules do not require you to disclose to us your medical conditions, but if you are in the category of people who feel you must wear a mask to protect yourself and others, we will have to conduct our transaction via text or the telephone. We can also arrange for car visits, where we take the baby that you are looking to purchase out to your car. We thank you for your understanding. 


Call or text to schedule a visit: 682-262-7355

Go to our Available Ragdoll Kitten Page to see our Feline Babies!!


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