A deposit is required to hold/reserve a kitten
Call/text to set up your delivery or pick up
** our next deliveries will be around April 8th
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Selma / Nash’s litter – Ready in May


Call or text us to reserve one of these Ragdoll kittens!!



Reserving one of our Ragdoll Kittens

To reserve a kitten, you just need to let us know which kitten you are interested in and we will get them ready for pick up in our Roanoke home.  We can also arrange to deliver your baby to you using our Texas Pet Nanny delivery service. All of the kittens are friendly, purring machines and will make great companions.  The ‘Ready Now’ kittens weigh between 3-5 pound kittens.  This is the proper size to take them home so they can transition easily to their new environment. They are the ideal size for children to handle.  The Ragdoll cat is a large breed cat and in such the boys can grow up to 22 pounds (boys) so 3-5 pounds is a baby for them.  We also now offer neutering services for kittens four months of age or older.

Call or text us for more information on this service.

Phone Vintage Dial · Free vector graphic on Pixabay 682-262-7355

We require a 50% deposit to reserve a Texas Ragdoll Kitten

$200 is deducted off the listed price if you pay in full when you select your baby

Delivery dates vary depending on size of the individual kitten and litter. Size of litter can affect the mother’s overall milk supply, and they may have a hard time weaning off of their mothers. There are many factors that contribute to the growth of the kitten so we treat them as individuals and they go home when it is right. Small does not mean sick, but they do need more time in the nest, just like human babies, they start small but grow big. We prefer that they leave weighing around 3-4 pounds.

** Baby Ragdolls need 12 weeks with their mothers and here is why:

Below is a chart showing the traditional Ragdoll colors and  markings shown as babies and how they look as adults. There are COLORS: variations of ‘blue’ like lilac/lavender and variations of Seal like Chocolate. And there are MARKINGS: Bicolor, Colourpoint and Mitted Colourpoint. These are the most traditional colors and markings. 

We sell our Ragdoll babies primarily as pets so many of our breeder mamas are ‘minks’ (meaning they are born the color they will ultimately become) and have golden or aquamarine eyes. We also offer ‘show quality’ Ragdolls and the colors below are the traditional breed standards.


Bicolors are HALF WHITE with a white nose (and that WHITE  V on the forehead) legs and belly.

Colourpoints have COLOR on their points (ears, nose, tail and feet). Mitted Colourpoints still have the color on their points, but their feet are white as if they were dipped in white paint. 

If you are interested in showing, here is a link for the Cat Fanciers’ list of Ragdoll breed standards. We have show quality cats but it is up to the individual showman to find out what is required for the type of shows that you plan to attend. We sell SBT designated cats which are generally able to be shown. But you need to check on that!

Call or text if you have any questions

Cell: 682-262-7355

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